Vue JS Development Company

Vue JS Development Company

Build high-performance, fully immersive apps with our Vue JS development services.

Develop fast, scalable solutions in responsive web applications and mobile app development with a leading VueJS development company in the UK focused on top-notch solutions for various industries.

A laptop on a wooden table outdoors displays the Vue JS logo on its screen, with blurred greenery in the background.

Delivering for our clients for almost 30 years

Our Comprehensive Vue JS Development Services

On-Demand Vue.js Consulting

Our VueJS development agency provides expert guidance and consulting services for software development using the Vue.js development framework for mobile apps and web applications.

SPA Tailored Solutions

Our Vue.js development includes one of the most popular services – single-page app development, a part of our tailor-made solutions with exceptional user interfaces.

Web Application Development

Leverage our web app developer services for responsive web apps with high performance, clear syntax, and scalability. Our web development services provide interactive web applications.

Cross-Platform Development

Our cross-platform development services using the Vue.js development framework can help clients create Vue.js web applications, mobile applications, or desktop applications with code-sharing abilities.

Migration and Integration Services

Allow our Vue.js development company to migrate existing projects with our seamless integration and professional migration services to provide clients worldwide with easily integrated applications.

Real-Time App Development

Work closely with a VueJS development company offering the ability to build a Vue.js real-time application with instant messaging, interactive dashboards, and video streaming.

MVP Development and Proof of Concept

Allow our development team to design your minimum viable product (MVP) project to achieve proof of concept before spending more of your budget on custom software development or web development.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

Partner with our VueJS development company for your progressive web app development project to ensure scalability and flexibility on a mobile app or web app without users needing internet access.

Support and Maintenance Services

Our VueJS development company provides ongoing support and maintenance services, whether building single-page applications, component-based architecture, or commerce apps.

Why Choose Vue.js?

Vue.js is a powerful, flexible framework, offers rapid development, excellent performance, and easy integration with existing systems. Its component-based architecture ensures scalability, while the active community and extensive documentation reduce development time. Vue.js delivers a robust, reliable solution, perfect for building modern, dynamic business applications that drive growth and efficiency.

We’ve got your tech stack covered

We are proficient in various programming languages, technologies, tools, and frameworks, including JS and Vue.js.

Vue JS Developer Service Project Examples

Businesses achieve a competitive edge when they create modern and custom components using the JavaScript framework with experienced VueJS developers. Here are some use cases for Vue.js:

Create robust web apps with optimised UI/UX design
Design applications with product management tools for startups and companies
Create a seamless user experience in single-page applications
Build large-scale applications for enterprises with a business vision
Develop responsive applications with accessibility for users from all operating systems
Migrate other technologies to Vue.js for improved UI/UX design
Implement website API integration for seamless performance and backend interactions
Design enterprise software with specific needs and unique requirements
Build e-commerce apps that drive tangible results against competitors
Develop efficient content management systems that overcome business challenges
Create project management tools to suit your business practices and tasks
Build a CRM or an HR management system to further reduce workplace challenges

Use Vue.js Development for these innovative industries

Pulsion, a reliable Vue.js development company in the UK can efficiently deliver custom solutions from scratch to startups, medium-sized businesses, and enterprises in the following industries

A close up of Vue JS development code on a computer monitor.

E-commerce development, online business stores, retail, or a marketplace

The finance, banking, or insurance industry

Healthcare and telemedicine companies

Education, e-learning, and learning management system companies

A Real Estate or Real Estate management company

Travel, hospitality, and tourism businesses


Media, entertainment, and video streaming services

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IoT, Technology, and SaaS companies

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Social networking and community forums

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Automotive and vehicle dealership businesses

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Government or public sector industries

Why Choose Pulsion’s Vue.js Development Services?

Highly Skilled Developers

Connect with our development team for VueJS developers with the right technical expertise in Vue.js development services for optimal VueJS projects using the progressive framework.

Extensive Expertise in Unique Solutions

Our dedicated developers are proficient in building user interfaces with custom components and tailored solutions suited to customers’ business needs and goals for nearly three decades.

Efficient Project Management Tools

A project manager oversees your entire project requirements, ensuring each team member exerts the development efforts required to deliver web development projects cost-effectively.

A Faster Development Life Cycle

Work with our Vue.js development services company to collaborate with JS developers proficient enough in all JS frameworks to finish your products on time, even other JavaScript frameworks.

Effective Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and seamless collaboration are two guarantees of partnering with our Vue.js development company because communication is the cornerstone of success stories.

Transformative Impact With Tangible Results

Our VueJS development company can accommodate your Vue.js development project while showcasing genuine results from past happy clients in the UK and worldwide.

Our Vue.js Development Process Explained

Build a Vue.js application for the scalable future of your digital presence with our step-by-step processes that enables products to reach the full potential accessible to customers once you hire experts from Pulsion to work on your project

A close up of three people sitting side by side at a wooden desk. Each of them has a pen and notebook in front of them. Two of the people are looking at the third person, who looks to be talking to someone off camera on the other side of the desk.

The Project Discovery and Planning Phase

Vue.js Requirements Engineering

Defining the Project Requirements

Designers Creating the Vue.js App Foundation

The Actual Vue.js Development Stage

Reliability, User Acceptance, and Security Testing


Vue.js Deployment on Relevant Devices

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Ongoing Support and Maintenance With Regular Updates

A woman wearing a yellow plaid shirt and a topknot hairstyle is speaking in a well-lit room. A blurred person in the foreground listens.

Our Clients

Take a look at some of our amazing clients.

Image of two women one who is a developer and another a client discussing a project.

Case Studies

Our software and mobile applications have reached far and wide.

Book a Free Consultation Today

Receive custom solutions, recommendations, and estimates for your cross-platform web or mobile apps. One of our Account Managers will be in touch with you shortly.

Why Choose VueJS Development for Software Solutions?

A Success Story: Pulsion’s Collaboration With Accourt

Our collaboration with Accourt allowed us to spearhead a revolutionary project to replace a legacy Fraud Management System for a major UK financial institution. The initial SharePoint-based solution severely lacked reporting capabilities, had no scalability, and faced user-friendly challenges regarding the user interface. Ultimately, we proposed a solution by migrating the system to a fully serverless Amazon Web Services (AWS) solution with highly-resilient, scalable, and cost-effective benefits.

The serverless architecture from AWS delivered lower software infrastructure costs and abolished maintenance concerns. The serverless setup ensured scalability and enhanced reliability across all the necessary availability zones Accourt needed. The financial institution has over 2,000 users and 20,000 transactions monthly. However, our new solution surpassed independent audits and exemplified Pulsion’s commitment to high-quality delivery in every system. Accourt Managing Partner, Vaughan Collie, hailed the outcome, praising the system’s performance and durability.

Close up of a hand tapping a payment card against a card reader which is connected to a till system. The card reader and till system are sitting on a wooden counter. Behind the counter another person is interacting with the till system' screen.

Vue.js Development Agency Most Commonly Asked Questions

Advantages and Unique Aspects

Vue.js developers are beneficial to our team as a leading app development firm in the UK. Some benefits clients can expect from our Vue.js development services include:

  • VueJS developers design enhanced user experiences with SEO-friendly rendering to pages before reaching the client, sometimes using Vue.js with Nuxt.js
  • Vue.js developers access essential tools like VueX, Vue CLI, and other Vue tools crucial to delivering well-managed dependencies and efficient state management
  • Simplify dependency with regular security audits, input validation, code reviews, secure API communications, and the content security policy (CSP)
  • Develop a Vue.js app with regular updates through reactive binding that updates the virtual DOM with underlying updates without affecting the UIs
  • Benefit from various libraries with new features, including third-party libraries and plugins to extend Vue.js functionality in web app development or mobile application development
  • Experience efficient performance and speed with lazy loading, efficient server-side rendering (SSR), and a virtual DOM
  • High-quality single-page applications are possible with Vue Router to manage routing and navigation in complex single-page apps

Excel in your industry or market by using the preferred choice among different dev tools, and languages for better performance, flexible scalability, and adaptable upgrade potential. Vue.js is better than Angular because it has a smaller bundle size, more design tools, a simpler syntax, and easily integrated APIs. However, Angular is a full-featured framework, which may matter more.

Meanwhile, Vue JS is better than React or React Native for building scalable single-page apps with complex design elements and user interfaces. On the other hand, React is better for multi-platform mobile app device features with good UI/UX design. Both offer quality but have different purposes. Innovate the best version of your product needs with the right framework. Discuss the options with us.

Cost and Demand

Several factors influence the cost of Vue.js development, including project complexity, development team size, location, available resources, engagement models, and the request to add specific features. Receive a more accurate estimate with our app development cost calculator.

Still, here are some estimates based on the typical UK complexity of Vue.js applications built with the progressive framework:

  • Small projects with simplicity in mind – £10,000-£25,000
  • Medium-sized Vue JS project solutions – £25,000-£60,000
  • Vue JS large-scale applications – £60,000-£150,000+
Suitability and Choices

Discover a cutting-edge solution to effectively target the market in your industry with the creation of Vue.js development applications designed to improve user engagement and elevate your target audience retention. The key to success in your Vue JS project is to partner with a trusted VueJS developer agency in the UK with the right skills and expertise in Vue.js development.

The robust ecosystem can accommodate any business mission to keep competitors at bay with a high-performance, lightweight framework. Additionally, the Vue JS framework can result in reduced development time and cost with a gentler learning curve, multiple libraries, and the capability of API and other JavaScript framework integration.

Various factors affect the time it takes to develop VueJS applications, including resource availability, project scope, requirements, development team size, and the dev tools used. It could take a few weeks to several months to complete UI/UX design and essential tools in web development services for simple to complex applications or tailor-made solutions.

Here are some timelines to guide client expectations:

  • Small projects can take 2-6 weeks (simple SPAs or portfolio websites)
  • Medium applications can take 1-6 months (online shopping platforms or social media products)
  • Complex projects can take several months to a couple of years (large-scale enterprise products)

Choose Pulsion for a trusted Vue.js development agency in the UK. Our flexible hiring models, access to a dedicated team, post-launch support, up-to-date expertise with interactive user interfaces, and focus on client’s requirements are the tip of the iceberg. Furthermore, we have a great team of Vue.js developers available with innovation to deliver ideas and specific needs to any client.

Performance, knowledge, speed, quality, transparency, and valued objectives are some of our best practice guidelines. Work with dedicated designers, VueJS developers, and a project manager to improve performance, extend your benefits, and build wealth in your reliable digital products. The answer to why you should choose Pulsion is tenfold.

Developing app success for our team has been a priority for any business, and our seamless app developing process will focus on what matters – the business, needs, process, and logic. Developed Vue apps with Pulsion resulted in working with future engineers and creating simplicity with an emphasis on proactive involvement from clients, often requesting feedback when you hire our teams.

Capabilities and Limitations

Functionality is a crucial factor in a scalable solution, scalable that engraves your company name into the future of digital market trends. Here are some other technologies experienced VueJS developers integrate or use with the lightweight framework from JavaScript:

  • Vue Router for the navigation process in SPAs
  • Vue CLI and Vite for scaffolding, plugins, and features
  • Nuxt.js for efficient server-side rendering (SSR)
  • Vuetify, BootStrapVue, or Tailwind CSS for pre-designed themes
  • Axios and Vue Resource for API integration
  • VeeValidate and VeeFormulate for effective form handling
  • Vue Transition for animations and web page transitions
  • Cypress, Jest, and Mocha for testing and removing bugs
  • MySQL and PostgreSQL for database management
  • Element UI for design elements for building UIs

Our expertise in Vue.js allows our Vue.js developers to build, design, and deploy the following:

  • Real-time collaboration tools
  • Backend interfaces for a site
  • SaaS admin panels
  • SPA app
  • API-driven applications
  • Interactive media and applications
  • Content aggregators to process publishing
  • Data-driven UIs in an app
  • Data-entry form applications
  • Task management tools
  • Productivity tools
  • Personal website blogs
  • Interactive data dashboards
  • Social media platforms
  • Real-time applications
  • Minimum viable products for proof of concept
  • Content management systems
Usage and Ecosystem 

Vue.js developers primarily use Vue.js for front-end development, including interactive user interface development. Furthermore, the reusable components and code are easy to maintain with trusted, reliable VueJS development agencies. It’s helpful to understand how it works with back-end tech, too.

Our Vue.js development services offer complete front-end development, which leads to proactive development efforts from all team members. However, our development services also provide back-end integration using Axios to help HTML make requests to RESTful APIs and GraphQL endpoints.

Furthermore, our engineers are proficient in back-end data handling, including data fetching and displaying dynamic content. Additionally, our VueJS developers integrate backend technologies like Express JS, Node JS, Django, Laravel, and Ruby on Rails, delivering comprehensive quality.

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Scale your business with innovative digital solutions.

Image of a woman drawing on a white board discussing a development project to another man in a blue shirt