How Much Does React Native App Development Cost in the UK?

The development costs of React Native app development depend on various factors, including app complexity, development time, team size, architecture, and geolocation, to mention a few.

Let’s reveal the factors influencing the cost of developing React Native apps and reveal why so many businesses use the famous cross-platform framework to deliver simple apps users love.

Statista shows that React Native is the second most popular cross-platform app development framework among global developers, and the reasons will be clear once you learn more about it.

So, how much does it cost to develop React Native apps? Let’s discover an estimated cost of React Native mobile app development and the factors affecting the price.

What Is React Native App Development?

The React Native framework is ideal for the cross-platform app development of mobile apps. React Native is an open-source framework with multiple open-source libraries for developers to produce near-native mobile apps. It’s a popular choice for businesses looking to reduce costs involved with cross-platform mobile app development.

Why Do Businesses Choose React Native App Development?

Startups, large businesses, and entrepreneurs are famously turning their app development projects into React Native apps, but why? What are the advantages? Why should your business choose the framework? Why are entrepreneurs using React Native to meet their project’s requirements?

Here are some advantages of mobile app development with React Native:

  • Cross-platform compatibility – Build mobile apps for multiple platforms in one framework.
  • A smaller development team – No need for multiple developers’ experience with Kotlin and Swift.
  • Faster development time – Writing once for multiple platforms saves development time.
  • Simple user interface (UI) – Responsive interfaces with smooth transitions and ease of use.
  • Pre-built components – Vast open-source libraries with pre-built components and tools.
  • Reusable codes – Developers can share up to 90% of the code between Android and iOS devices.
  • Low development cost – Building one mobile app for multiple platforms reduces the cost.
  • Near native look and feel – Third-party and plug-in accessible for seamless integration.
  • Easy transition between mobile and web apps – The React framework allows transitions.
  • Live reloading – Developers can view the source code changes directly on the application.
  • Hot reloading – Developers can make small code changes to see immediate results.
  • Faster time to market – A business can launch the product to app stores faster.

What Is the Typical Cost of React Native Apps?

Mobile app development costs ranging from a simple app to high-complexity apps can change the answer companies seek. As a trusted development company, we choose not to give vague estimates.

Instead, our app development cost calculator gives your business a better estimate. However, here are some average Native app development costs to expect:

  • Simple apps – Simple apps with minimal features, basic UI components, and basic navigation cost £12,000 to £28,000. A calculator or reminder app is the ideal example.
  • Medium-complex apps – Medium-complexity apps integration, third-party APIs, and complex UI components cost £30,000 to £63,000. An example of a medium complex app is e-commerce.
  • High-complexity apps – Highly complex apps with real-time data processing, backend development integrations, and advanced features cost £70,000 to £150,000+. Some examples would include enterprise-level applications and HD games.

Factors Affecting the Overall Development Cost of React Native

Several variables influence the development cost. The app’s features, complexity, the developer’s experience, project requirements, user experience, integration of other frameworks, more screens, regular updates, design changes, functionality, and location can influence the total cost. Let’s show you how your unique requirements could change how much your mobile app costs.

Agency’s Location

An agency’s location is the first-factor affecting development prices. Consider the agency or freelancer’s geolocation before hiring React Native’s expert engineers. The ideal choice is to work with a development company in your location to ensure a cultural fit, same-time zone collaboration, and understandable communication. Outsourcing software development services to a local company may cost more than some, but you get the ideal choice of well-fitting engineers.

App Category

The type of app or app category will determine the cost to build a mobile app for your market. Our React Native app programmers can develop any app type you need, including a standalone app or a feature-rich mobile app for iOS and Android platforms.

The category can affect the React Native app cost because of the number of real-time users, security considerations, and feature set. Always hire dedicated developers who understand using React Native with various features in the right category.

App Complexity

The app’s complexity is a primary factor related to the estimated cost to build apps with the React Native libraries and tools. Native app development prices are much higher because you build on two devices. However, the React Native app cost in development directly relates to the attached development complexity. Here are some factors influencing the app’s complexity price range:

  • Admin Panel – The admin panel tools for monitoring, tracking, and updating code.
  • API Integrations – Whether the app can integrate with different mobile devices’ built-in features.
  • Back-End Development – Back-end architecture, like cloud storage and database management.
  • IoT Integration – Enabling anyone to use the app, even offline.
  • Third-Party Integrations – Integrating apps with your in-house legacy system.
  • Third-Party Plugins – Additional expense for added features like ad blockers and search bars.

The technology designers use to streamline your app’s functionality and ability to scale are inclusion criteria for the React native app developers cost. Deciding whether you want features like Bluetooth, regular upgrades, user login, live messaging, and optimal UI/UX design changes the budget required.

Furthermore, multiple third-party services, a centralized management system, payment gateways, well-articulated user flow, and integration with native components in cross-platform mobile apps increase the developmental effort and price. The more effort goes into your app, the more you pay.

App Design

The app design and user experience are essential in determining a successful app on all mobile stores. As a leading mobile app development services company, we aim to ensure higher user engagement that matches Native development closely.

However, the overall cost to create apps with a Native-like performance and exceptional user experience for Android and iOS rises. In-app purchases and a well-devised design strategy are worth every penny for various platforms, increasing user retention with a native look.

App Maintenance

Developing a React Native app with a single codebase for multiple platforms, whether using them or not, requires maintenance after development. Our programmers write JavaScript code for complex apps, app functionalities, and complex features. However, your React Native application requires ongoing maintenance, app updates, and bug fixes after the app deployment. Fixing bugs, database management, adding new features, and maintaining user satisfaction add to the overall cost.

Development Team Size

The overall cost of cross-platform applications also depends on the size of the development team. For instance, you may require a project manager, two developers, UI/UX designers, and a QA expert in one team as a custom option. Each expert’s hourly rate is calculated into the team’s cost to develop apps.

Investing in a larger team for the creation of your apps compared to a single developer could cost slightly more. However, a single developer has no project manager to oversee the process. Also, an in-house team may not have the testing skills for determining quality assurance.

Development Timeframe

The duration it takes teams to write code and build quality mobile applications with the required app features for Google Play Store or any app store changes the app development project cost. Many programmers work for an hourly rate, and hourly rates vary by region and expertise.

Fortunately, the extensive JavaScript libraries are allowing developers to create well-designed apps with visually appealing features that reduces development time. React Native app development takes 3-12 months, depending on the complexity. Still, the development timeline adds to the costs.

Hardware Integration

The cross-platform compatibility makes React Native ideal for both iOS and Android devices using a simple programming language. Developing a React Native app with IoT services costs more than most other apps. Implementing React Native for IoT services in apps is also much harder than developing a Native app. Still, some hardware optimizes resources and turns ideas swiftly into a well-designed app.

User Authentication

Some apps require third-party integrations to authorise user logins. User authentication costs more compared to apps that don’t require these certain features. Still, cost efficiency remains a priority, even if our programmers build a user base for one platform or a shared codebase for different platforms. React Native allows developers to source functionality and integration features in many libraries to reduce extra expenses as much as possible.

Other Factors That Affect the React Native App Development Cost

Advanced features and advanced functionalities can increase the React Native development cost for your project.

Crossing UI Limitations

A shared codebase may cost more, but using a single codebase on different platforms could harm your app’s performance. Creating a high-performance app is crucial to our development process. Our programmers are skilled and experienced in creating apps with shared codebases.

Performance Optimisation

Native development services enable optimal performance on Android and iOS platforms, using built-in features for app and third-party integration. Still, investing in higher performance will bring a larger return. It’s crucial to ensure optimisation in React Native app development before the app launch.

Added Security Assurance

React Native leads to a bigger budget because the apps require more security assurance. Our programmers create the applications before thoroughly testing each unit, aspect, and feature while gathering user feedback. It’s a vital part of the budget for creating a successful React Native app.

How the React Native Framework Can Reduce Development Costs

Cost savings are possible as React Native reduces costs. Cost-effectiveness is achieved by allowing seamless third-party integration, Facebook providing multiple ready-made solutions and libraries, reusable code producing low-maintenance costs, and the use of existing frameworks.

You need a single team, with a large community support, to make use of the reusable components and code reusability to save money. You can use a smaller workforce to create simple apps with UI to code-sharing in cross-platform development. Synced development is one of the cost-effective solutions.

The potential for rapid development is another cost-effective solution. Meanwhile, you can optimize costs now that you know what affects them. Never sacrifice quality, but use your newfound knowledge to ensure a cost-effective solution and optimize expenses for your app development process.

Well-Known React Native Applications

Many well-known brands and companies use React Native, including Uber Eats, Discord, Vogue, Walmart, Instagram, Skype, Salesforce, and Pinterest to mention some. Facebook-owned React has web and mobile applications all over the world.

When to Choose React Native App Development

React Native stands the quality test of time. Turn your app idea into the ultimate cross-platform application with our development services in the following instances:

  • You need a minimum viable product (MVP development) (MVP – essential features)
  • To migrate Native apps to multiple distribution platforms
  • To build high-performing cross-platform apps from scratch
  • To match the default processes of your ReactJS web applications
  • To rewrite a previous app with an efficient framework

A React Native App Development Partner You Can Trust

At Pulsion, we pride ourselves on exceptional React Native app development. Our expertise spans decades when you learn more about us. We’ve delivered various React Native applications to multiple high-level clients, completed numerous case studies, and continue to maintain their databases.

Outsourcing software development services to a trusted mobile app development company in the UK guarantees the success of your services. We offer multiple engagement models and aim to help you reduce the cost of development services. We are transparent from start to finish.

Our programmers are also familiar with the iOS and Google store requirements. Contact us today to discuss proper planning for your apps, industry-leading tips, quality assurance, vigorous testing, and how our services are ideal for managing React Native development for companies. Alternatively, speak to one of our digital strategy consultants to learn about how we manage a project.

Summing Up the React Native App Development Cost

In conclusion, choose success, performance, and a market-leading app development services company with the right team, technology, testing modules, release platform, life cycle, ongoing support, resources, and launch ideas by partnering with the right React Native app development company.

Be in control of your application development to ensure customers get the services they deserve in your industry. In reality, application development costs and expenses should justify how your company can scale. Our solutions provide custom and efficient web or mobile React applications. Contact us today!

React Native App Development Cost FAQs

How much does it cost to hire React Native developers?

React Native app engineers typically work on hourly rates, which depend on experience and expertise. Focus instead on the team or app development services you’ll get from a trusted custom software development company. You can also use our app development cost calculator to determine estimates.

Is React Native free or paid?

Fortunately, the efficient mobile app development framework is free to use. Skilled mobile app developers use the software, libraries, built-in tools, and more without paying to ensure your business has the top application development results. Hire dedicated developers today to start your process.

Is React Native still in demand?

Statista shows that React Native is the second most popular cross-platform development framework among global developers. It’s a popular choice among programmers for building simple, medium-complex, and high-complex apps. It’s a good choice for cross-platform development.

What Are the Risks of React Native App Development?

Unfortunately, you have two options. Build Native apps to easily integrate with device hardware but pay a ton for developing and maintaining the app. Alternatively, build a React Native app developed with third-party integrations and JavaScript for a near-Native app experience.


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