NET Development Company

.Net Development Company

Leverage scalable and secure applications with our .NET development services.

Engage the market with a high-quality software solution to automate business processes and remain available to customers with cloud services when working with a reliable NET development partner.

A laptop on a wooden table outdoors displays the Microsoft .NET logo on its screen, with blurred greenery in the background.

Delivering for our clients for almost 30 years

Overview of Our .NET Software Development Services

Custom Software Development

Leverage the competitive advantage of partnering with a custom software development company to access .NET developers who deliver progressive and scalable .NET solutions. Our web development company can deliver highly competitive, unique, and interactive .NET-based software.

.NET Web Development

Access .NET programmers from our web applications team to use website development services suitable for startups, medium-sized businesses, and enterprises. Our .NET web development company services deliver web applications with responsive designs using the latest .NET technologies.

Mobile Development Services

Our web development company can also develop mobile applications integrating .NET technology and a multi-platform app UI called .NET MAUI. Alternatively, our .NET programmers implement the .NET framework with Xamarin or Blazor Hybrid for native app development with a single codebase.

.NET Desktop Apps

Our .NET development solutions provide engineers with access to event-driven programming with Windows Forms or efficient data-binding using the MVVM design pattern with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Build optimised .NET software for desktops with our .NET development services.

Migration and Modernization

Seize opportunities to modernize your brand with our .NET application development solutions by migrating a legacy application to the popular Microsoft technology using stable and secure programming languages. Our .NET development team can also migrate classic .NET to new frameworks.

.NET Cross-Platform Applications

Leverage our expert .NET developers for cross-platform application development using .NET MAUI with XAML or Xamarin for responsive user interface designs on multiple platforms and devices with a single code structure. Build Android and iOS applications for a broader brand reach.

API Development and Integration

Use our .NET developers to seamlessly connect your app development project to APIs, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, project management tools, customer relationship management (CMS) software, or vendor SDKs for a .NET application that keeps your customers and employees online.

E-Commerce Solutions

Let our .NET developers integrate a secure and high-performance back-end infrastructure with APIs using NET technology for your e-commerce and online store projects. We leverage ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core to facilitate the integration of payment gateways, order processing, and authentication.

Enterprise Applications

Expert .NET developers implement Microsoft technology in enterprise applications using the ecosystem’s many tools, frameworks, and libraries. Build a .NET application with bespoke enterprise resource planning, and customer relationship management tools

Cloud-Based Application Development

.NET development companies access the major cloud platforms like Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure to make .NET projects more scalable. Our .NET developers can implement microservices architecture and use tools like Docker and Kubernetes.

Why Choose Our .NET Development Company

Common .NET Technologies Used at Pulsion

Frameworks and Platforms

The robust .NET ecosystem allows our developers to use ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET, .NET Core, .NET Framework, Windows Presentation Foundation, Xamarin, Ooui, and Azure Cloud Development.

Components, Libraries, and APIs

Our .NET developers access popular libraries and components with the Entity Framework, JSON.NET, ASP.NET Web API, Rest API, ASP.NET Core Web API, AutoMappter, and SignalR.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

The feature-rich, common language runtime environment delivers excellence with IDEs like Visual Studio IDE, Visual Studio Core, Visual Basic Studio, Visual Studio Family, Synfusion, and JetBrains Rider.

Cloud Platforms and DevOps

Our .NET developers use Google Cloud Service Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Docker, OpenStack, and Microsoft Azure cloud platforms for efficient (CI/CD) in DevOps.

Testing, Monitoring, and Reporting

Our .NET software development agency delivers quality assurance with testing tools and frameworks like Power BI, MSTest, SpecFlow, NUnit, xUnit, NSubstitute, and FluentAssertions.

Achieve Business Goals Fast With .NET Development

Achieve success with scalable, secure, high-performance enterprise applications built on the open-source development platform using a stable and clean programming language to keep your brand and reputation in the minds of customers worldwide by keeping you online with cloud services.

We’ve got your tech stack covered

We are proficient in various programming languages, technologies, tools, and frameworks, including .Net, which enhances our capability to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

The Key Benefits of .NET Application Development

Versatility and Scalability

Healthcare, education, e-commerce, finance, banking, manufacturing, and retail are merely a handful of industries using .NET solutions thanks to the versatility and scalability of the .NET framework.

Increased Productivity

Our software development company implements the .NET framework for improved productivity because of the massive .NET ecosystem and the ability to accelerate projects with existing solutions.

Large Community and Support

.NET development services access a vibrant community with extensive documentation, libraries, forums, and resources to deliver similar solutions to big company names like Dell and Samsung.

How to Outsource .NET Software Business Needs to Pulsion

Follow a few simple steps to onboard .NET development teams best suited to your .NET development needs from our software development company:

A close up of .NET development code on a computer monitor.
Join a discovery call to discuss your project scope
Agree on an engagement and hiring model
We assemble a team of expert .NET developers
Interview the shortlisted .NET developers
Onboard and scale the .NET development team
Begin the step-by-step application development process
A woman wearing a yellow plaid shirt and a topknot hairstyle is speaking in a well-lit room. A blurred person in the foreground listens.

Our Clients

Take a look at some of our amazing clients.

Image of two women one who is a developer and another a client discussing a project.

Case Studies

Our software and mobile applications have reached far and wide.

Why Choose .Net?

Choose .NET development for building reliable, scalable, and cross-platform applications. With strong security features, extensive library support, and seamless integration with Microsoft products, .NET is perfect for creating enterprise-level solutions. Whether for web, desktop, or cloud, .NET ensures top performance and flexibility. Partner with us for expert .NET development services and transform your ideas into reality!

A Success Story: Pulsion’s Collaboration With Accourt

Our collaboration with Accourt allowed us to spearhead a revolutionary project to replace a legacy Fraud Management System for a major UK financial institution. The initial SharePoint-based solution severely lacked reporting capabilities, had no scalability, and faced user-friendly challenges regarding the user interface. Ultimately, we proposed a solution by migrating the system to a fully serverless Amazon Web Services (AWS) solution with highly-resilient, scalable, and cost-effective benefits.

The serverless architecture from AWS delivered lower software infrastructure costs and abolished maintenance concerns. The serverless setup ensured scalability and enhanced reliability across all the necessary availability zones Accourt needed. The financial institution has over 2,000 users and 20,000 transactions monthly. However, our new solution surpassed independent audits and exemplified Pulsion’s commitment to high-quality delivery in every system. Accourt Managing Partner, Vaughan Collie, hailed the outcome, praising the system’s performance and durability.

Close up of a hand tapping a payment card against a card reader which is connected to a till system. The card reader and till system are sitting on a wooden counter. Behind the counter another person is interacting with the till system' screen.

.NET Development FAQs

General Information and Advantages

.NET application development allows companies and developers to deliver web, mobile, desktop, and cross-platform applications using the .NET framework with numerous libraries and tools in the common language runtime environment. Build applications for multiple platforms with a single code structure.

A .NET developer from Pulsion uses C# in a wide range of .NET development applications but can also implement Visual Basic .NET for legacy systems or F# for complex data management and processing. Furthermore, we also use programming languages like C++ and CLI with C# and .NET for a performance-sensitive .NET solution.

A .NET developer from Pulsion integrates the framework and tools with Xamarin and .NET MAUI for mobile apps on all platforms and devices. Xamarin allows the .NET developer to use a shared codebase with Xamarin.Forms and native access while MAUI allows native controls and .NET cross-platform APIs.

.NET Core is an open-source platform used to build business applications, whereas .NET Framework is a propriety-limited solution better for enterprise-level development projects. The .NET Framework is only compatible with Windows operating systems while .NET Core is compatible with all operating systems and offers support and tools for microservices that .NET Framework doesn’t.

Cost and Financial Consideration

The project duration, scope, and complexity will determine the costs. We recommend using our app development cost calculator to better determine the estimates. However, here are some ideas of how much .NET projects cost based on project complexity:

  • Simple dot NET applications – £,5,000-£15,000 (small applications and tools)
  • Medium-complexity dot NET apps – £15,000-£50,000 (some API integrations and advanced tools)
  • Complex dot NET apps – £50,000-£200,000+ (enterprise-level apps with ERPs and complex CRMs)
Suitability and Choices

Our bespoke web and mobile development company also provides the following software solution services for .NET applications:

  • .NET Core consulting services with expert advice and recommendations about .NET technologies
  • .NET Core quality assurance and testing to improve the performance of existing .NET applications
  • Cloud-based web services to migrate existing .NET applications to AWS, GCP, and Azure
  • .NET Core third-party customisation services for functional improvements in business solutions
  • Microsoft-powered .NET software solutions, including data management and analysis integration
  • Real-time application development with Rest APIs and chatbots for networking software
  • .NET maintenance and support after application development to keep a .NET platform relevant

At Pulsion, we use the latest .NET Core technology with testing frameworks and tools to deliver NET applications with the open-source development platform famous for security, quality assurance, and stable code. For example, a .NET programmer will use Visual Studio IDE for code reviews, version control integration, debugging, and test automation.

Furthermore, our expert development team uses Visual Studio Family to access support and documentation related to any security needs for your entire project. Our .NET-based solutions also come with a QA specialist to oversee the entire project completion strategy to guarantee it meets user demands and business needs. Finally, we rely on client feedback to meet the acceptance criteria.

Choosing who to partner with when developing web applications or mobile apps comes down to which company can benefit your scalability, security, flexibility, and competitiveness in your industry. Our dot NET Core development company services have served numerous industries worldwide for 28 years.

We use the latest .NET Core and .NET platform technologies to ensure your development project remains relevant enough to continue benefiting your brand, business, or enterprise. Our dot NET developers are proficient in the necessary programming languages, tools, and frameworks.

Additionally, our dot NET web development company shares various clients and case studies to reinforce our proven track record with a development team ranging in skills and experience related to .NET Core development for mobile apps and web apps. Work with a partner you can trust!

Capabilities and Limitations

The .NET Core framework can be used to develop applications for a wide range of business needs, including console apps, Windows GUI apps, gaming apps, ASP.NET apps, web services, workflow apps, Windows services, microservices, and cloud service apps.

Enterprises, businesses, startups, and smaller brands can develop applications like the following:

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions
  • Project management tools and dashboards
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Content management system (CMS) platforms
  • Console apps to operate consoles on multiple devices
  • Business intelligence (BI) tools and data management systems
  • Human resource management (HRM) systems
  • Supply chain management (SCM) software
  • Business process management (BPM) dashboard and tools
  • Productivity automation and collaboration software
  • Enterprise asset management (EAM) tools
  • Database management software systems
  • Business performance monitoring software
  • Accounting and financial management systems
  • Real-time applications with chat bots and instant messaging

At Pulsion, we can migrate an existing .NET solution to the latest .NET Core framework or migrate legacy systems from other platforms to major cloud platforms using the .NET framework, whether you need mobile or website development projects moved to the latest technology.

Usage and Ecosystem

At Pulsion, we provide versatile engagement models, one including the recruitment of a dedicated team to work exclusively on your .NET-based solutions using the Entity Framework and multiple Visual Studio tools to ensure your desktop apps, mobile apps, or web apps have an optimised user interface.

Our dedicated teams work exclusively on your .NET project at your premises or remotely, depending on your location and needs. Furthermore, we can align with your time zone and business hours until project completion. Discuss your project scope with us today to discover more about us.

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Image of a woman drawing on a white board discussing a development project to another man in a blue shirt